There is a charm to insanity, and I very much sympathise with the idea of madness. So much to be discovered at the borderline, in search of peace and silence. Can serenity be found in craziness?
The uncontrollable and unpredictable buzzing, shouting and erratic movement, true spontaneity in uncontrolled environment.
How this all form a dance, a song or a piece of art? I am so curious, at what price does priceless come?
Author: Black
KT, I am killing it by letting it be
So where’s the edge, where the leaves stop to grow?
Rock is either, roll or fold old
I enter speechless journey in deliberate search of joy amongst lying trees
There is immense satisfaction from work that brings improvement
Is there any value in never ending noise inside my head? I tend to believe there is, and will neglect any attempt to convince me otherwise!
There is a root to every thought and there are different ways to treat sprouting plants, at different levels. However, I never was a fan of the root cutting approach.
I find charming beauty and natural balance in the wild forest, hence I very much prefer any plant to be. Even weed can be turned into the fuel, and all wild plants can and shall be given a chance to grow into beautiful statement at last. -
I prefer not to hope, just as I prefer not to dream
Indecisive thoughts attempt to eat me inside out
Fulfilling anger cripples under my skin